Investing in the Vitality of Your Farm
The health and productivity of the soil forms the basis for any farm’s success, profitability, and ecological sustainability. Successful farmers need to develop a holistic approach to preserving and building soil health and fertility. Stewardship of the soil is arguably the most important job of any farmer or gardener.
Target Audience
All levels — This course is for field crop, vegetable, and livestock producers. We expect that students will have some experience in managing soils, even if minimal. Farmers looking for more productive soils to increase forage and crop production will benefit from taking this course.
Course Objectives
Through this course, participants will:
- Know how soil properties affect growing crops and pasture
- Learn how to “read the land” and improve the four ecosystem processes
- Determine appropriate soil practices to improve soil health
- Begin work on a soil health improvement plan for their farm
The bulk of the course happens on your own time, with discussions, readings, and assignments in Teachable, our virtual classroom. To add to the experience, webinars will be woven into the online interface of the course to allow you to meet on a weekly basis to learn from presenters and ask questions in real time. If you miss one, they are always recorded and posted for later viewing.
Webinar Schedule
In 2025, this course will be offered live for 6-weeks on Wednesdays from 6:30 – 8:00 PM (Eastern) from February 26 – April 2. **Please note: the live webinar for week 1 only (February 26th) will occur from 5:30 - 7:00 PM (Eastern).**
While we encourage live attendance, so you have the opportunity to engage with presenters and ask questions, all webinars are recorded and posted in the online classroom to watch anytime. Once enrolled in this course, you will retain access to all materials indefinitely, and can return to participate in the live webinars in future offerings of the course if you wish. Join us!
Your Instructor
Aleah Butler-Jones is a Cornell MS/PhD candidate in Dr. Lynn Sosnoskie's lab studying weed ecology and management in specialty crop systems. Originally from northeastern New Jersey, Aleah attended Cornell University’s College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and received a BS in Agricultural Sciences with a minor in Horticulture. Aleah's research examines the impact of novel weed management strategies on weed communities and the greater agroecological landscape, specifically electrical weeding. Through this work, Aleah hopes to use weed ecology to improve the sustainability of crop production and expand the control options available to growers.
Student Testimonials
Butler-Jones is very knowledgeable regarding soil health and has a very
personable and effective communication stye. She is passionate about
soil health."
"This course greatly improved my confidence."
"From this course, I learned a substantial amount about the overall
picture of soil health and how I might use that information to improve
my soils in the future – it needs to be a primary focus, and is key to
running a profitable agribusiness."
"I find it interesting that I took this course thinking I needed to learn how to improve our soils but I am realizing that more than anything the pasture has been poorly managed. I now feel empowered with knowledge to move forward with more livestock and a rotational grazing plan. Thank you for the great course!"
Course Curriculum
StartCLASS: Week 1 Webinar Slides, Join Link, and Recording
StartFORUM: Introduce Yourself; Meet Your Fellow Farmers
StartACTIVITY and FORUM: Map Your Soils
StartACTIVITY: Determine Soil Texture by Feel
StartACTIVITY: Start Your Soil Health Plan
StartVIDEO: Understanding Cation Exchange Capacity and Other Soil Terms
StartREADING: Course Text Chapters 1-3 and 5
StartVIDEO: Soil Health 1-Minute Lesson
StartRESOURCE: Estimating Soil Moisture by Feel and Appearance
StartCLASS: Week 2 Webinar Link, Slides, and Recording
StartACTIVITY: Start Your Soil Health Plan
StartACTIVITY: Test Your Soil
StartREADING: Course Text Chapters 4 and 7
StartREADING: Improving Ecosystem Processes on a No-Till Organic Farm in NY
StartREADING: Ecologically Based Nutrient Management
StartVIDEO: The Mineral Cycle Explained
StartVIDEO: Regeneration of Our Lands - Gabe Brown TEDx
StartFORUM: Ecosystem Process Improvement?