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  Webinar Schedule and Participants' Guide

Webinar Dates

Live instruction for 2024 has concluded. You are welcome to complete this course on a self-paced schedule and join our next live session in Fall 2025.​​ All webinars are recorded and posted here in your online classroom to watch anytime. Once enrolled in this course, you will retain access to all materials indefinitely and may return to participate in future live offerings of the course as well. Please join us!

To access the webinars during our next live session, you will simply need to click on the webinar join link that is posted in the Weekly Resources section of this course. This link only works on the appointed day and time for the webinar, so while you can try clicking it sooner, it won't open the webinar meeting for you.

You may also join our webinars from a mobile device by installing the official Zoom app from your preferred app store. Then, when it's time for a webinar, simply open your Zoom app and enter the 9-digit meeting ID that will be posted along with the webinar link.

Weekly Topics

Week 1: Introduction to Poultry Production

This week we will cover the basics of getting started with commercial poultry production: breed selection, incubation, brooding, and housing.

Week 2: Cost of Production and Record Keeping

This week will be an introduction to business of poultry production. Participants will have opportunity to work through establishment of enterprise budget for meat and/or layer production based of potential markets.

Week 3: Poultry Anatomy and Nutrition

This week's topics include the digestive system of poultry, nutritional needs, selection of feeds and balancing rations. 

Week 4: Health and Disease

This week will cover the problems and diseases common to poultry, including biosecurity measures and disease prevention, different remedies, mortality and more.

Week 5: Processing, Food Safety and Regulations

This week's topics include navigating regulations, food borne illness and disease, meat and egg quality, on-farm processing, and certification programs. 

Week 6: Business planning and Marketing

This week we’ll look at resources to get you started and/or further develop plans for your poultry enterprise.

How to Join Zoom

Review the document below for more detailed instructions on how to use the webinar technology.

Zoom Participant’s Guide.pdf
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