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BF 231: Grazing Management
General Course Resources
Instructor Contact
Webinar Schedule and Participant Guide
Pre-Course Survey
FORUM: Introduce Yourself - Get to Know Your Fellow Graziers
Kiva US - 0% Interest Loans up to $15,000
Navigating in Teachable; Getting a Course Completion Certificate; and More
Week 1: Why Graze? Growing Your Farm With Grazing!
Week 1 Webinar Join Link, Slides, and Recording
Grazing Basics: Fact Sheets and Video
What is Management Intensive Grazing (MIG) and What Can It Do For You?
Prescribed Grazing Management Plan Worksheet
ACTIVITY & FORUM: Make a Grazing Map
ACTIVITY for Extra Credit: Make a Grazing Chart!
Optional Grazing Articles and Video Resources
Week 2: Grazing Animal Nutrition and Health
Week 2 Webinar Join Link, Slides, and Recording
Jerry Brunetti: Perspectives on Animal Nutrition
Social Learning and Behavior - Impacts on Grazing
Vital Signs: Split-Second Animal Performance Monitoring for Cattle
ACTIVITY + FORUM: Pasture Plants
FORUM: Questions, Comments, Resources
Week 3: Improving Pasture Quality and Productivity, and Business Profitability
Week 3 Webinar Join Link, Slides, and Recording
VIDEO: Soil Carbon Cowboys
Pasture Improvement Primer by Fay Benson
Ten Steps to Double Your Profits
Prescribed Grazing Management Plan Worksheet
Pasture Cost Calculator
ACTIVITY + FORUM: Create a Mini-Business Plan for Your Grazing Operation
Week 4: Grazing Infrastructure
Week 4 Webinar Join Link, Slides, and Recording
Video: Basic Fence and Water Infrastructure for a Grazing Sheep Dairy
Fence and Water Development for Winter Grazing
FORUM: Your Fencing Experiences and Questions
Week 5: Silvopasture & Grazing Beyond the Growing Season
Week 5 Webinar Join Link, Slides, and Recording
Videos: 9 Short Intros on Aspects of Silvopasture
Silvopasture in the Northeast
What Silvopasture Is and Is Not
Strategies for Extending the Grazing Season
Bale Grazing Do's and Don'ts
Winter Grazing Infrastructure
Out-Wintering Beef Cows
ACTIVITY & FORUM: Site Evaluation for Silvopasture
Week 6: Beyond Basic Grazing & Enhanced Grazing Systems
Week 6 Webinar Join Link, Slides, and Recording
Leasing Information
The Business of Grazing: Custom Grazing for Cash Flow
Marketing Meat: Resources and Considerations
Pasture Considerations
ACTIVITY + FORUM: Assess Your Pasture
Post-Course Survey: Complete for a Chance to Win!
Expand Your Knowledge of Livestock
Staying Connected After This Course Ends + A Special Offer
Instructor Contact
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