From Planning to Planting
This course helps new and aspiring vegetable producers answer basic questions about site, soil and planning up through planting. Topics covered include soil health, crop layout and rotation, equipment, and financial aspects of vegetable production. Don’t
BF 121: Vegetable Production II, the continuation of this course, which takes you through the growing season from planting to harvest.
Target Audience
Beginning to Intermediate: This
course is for aspiring farmers planning farm start-up within the next
year, or those with 1-3 growing seasons of vegetable farming expe
rience. Climate, soils, production systems, and appropriate varieties vary a lot from region to region, and this course mostly presents information relevant to farmers in the Northeastern United States.
Farmers outside the region are welcome to register, but should do so
knowing that some of the information presented may not be appropriate
for their region.
Course Objectives
At the end of this course, you will:
- Know the characteristics of a viable site for commercial vegetable crop production
- Be able to articulate why soil quality, crop planning and proper pre-plant preparation are critical to success
- Know where to go to find reliable, fact based resource material on topics related to vegetable farming
The bulk of the course happens on your own time, with discussions, readings, and non-graded review quizzes in Teachable, our virtual classroom. To add to the experience, live webinars will be woven into the online interface of the course to allow you to meet on a weekly basis to learn from outside presenters and ask questions to address your farm issues in real time. If you miss one, they are always recorded and posted for later viewing.
Webinar Schedule
Live instruction for 2023 has concluded. You are welcome to
enroll now to complete this course on a self-paced schedule and join our next
live session in Fall 2024. All webinars are recorded and posted in your online
classroom to watch anytime. Once enrolled in this course, you will retain
access to all materials indefinitely and may return to participate in future
live offerings of the course as well. Please join us!
Your Instructor
Course Curriculum
StartInstructor Contact
PreviewWebinar Schedule and Participant Guide
StartPre-Course Survey
StartFORUM: Please introduce yourself!
StartPlease watch this before our first session
PreviewKiva US - 0% Loans up to $15,000
StartNavigating in Teachable; Getting a Course Completion Certificate; and More