BF 153: Indoor Specialty Mushroom Production
Cultivating in Spare Rooms, Basements, and Buildings
Enroll in Course
Managing indoor spaces for production of high quality mushrooms
Mushrooms are an emerging niche crop with many benefits and offer a unique and highly desired product. With a bit of practice, oyster, shiitake, lions mane, and other mushrooms can easily be grown in a variety of locations and on many different substrates including straw, coffee grounds, and more.
This course trains new and experienced farmers in the background, techniques, and economics of farm scale indoor commercial production. Students will learn the basic biology of mushrooms, cultivation techniques, proper conditions for fruiting, management and pest needs, and harvesting and marketing mushrooms.
Note: In addition to weekly online readings, presentation, and discussion, we encourage participants to order supplies to try mini mushroom experiments on their tabletop at home. Supplies are under $50 and details on what to order are posted in the course.
Target Audience
All levels - This course is for beginning mushroom growers who are new or experienced farmers seeking to diversify their operations. It’s also relevant to others at any scale, interested in this topic. Growing as a viable economic enterprise will be discussed, though techniques can also be applied at any scale. Mushroom growing is an easy topic for beginners with some experience farming and managing crop systems.
Course Objectives
At the completion of this course, you will:
- Be able to describe the basics of indoor mushroom production, harvesting, and marketing
- Know the infrastructure needs and options for indoor cultivation
- Understand the logistics of management, sales, and legal issues related to mushroom farming
The bulk of the course happens on your own time, with discussions, readings, and assignments in Teachable, our virtual classroom. To add to the experience, webinars will be woven into the online interface of the course to allow you to meet on a weekly basis to learn from outside presenters and ask questions to address your farm issues in real time. If you miss one, they are always recorded and posted for later viewing.
Webinar Schedule
Live instruction for 2025 has concluded. You are welcome to enroll now to complete this course on a self-paced schedule and join our next live session in Winter 2026. All webinars are recorded and posted in your online classroom to watch anytime. Once enrolled in this course, you will retain access to all materials indefinitely and may return to participate in future live offerings of the course as well. Please join us!
Your Instructor
Cecilia De La Fuente, an anthropologist and Community Mushroom Educator with Cornell Small Farms Program, has specialized in sustainability and urban agriculture having worked on diverse projects related to these topics. Currently, she leads Cosmoplantitas, a project focused on experimenting with accessible methods for cultivation and developing nutritional products to promote mushroom consumption as a more sustainable alternative.
Marina Delgado is a Senior Community Scientist at BioBus,
an NYC-based non-profit organization that helps students historically
excluded from the scientific community discover, explore and pursue
science. In her role, Marina facilitates community outreach, develops
and leads a variety of informal science education programs, and manages
program execution in the Lower East Side. She became interested in
mushrooms as a form of empowering the community she works in through
food justice, and joined the 2020 Community Mushroom Educator Program.
Since then, she has worked with Cornell Small Farms to make materials
and workshops more accessible to the Spanish-speaking community,
developed curriculum for and facilitated Mushroom 101 classes with NYC
Farm School and Cornell Small Farms.
Student Testimonials
"Now I know exactly what do to with the old shed on my farm. Being
able to get hands-on experience throughout the course was a big plus!
I'd recommend this course to anyone interested in mushroom production."
"Having the opportunity to be a part of a group of people learning and sharing all about fungi. I really enjoyed learning from all the different people here. The resources provided are outstanding and greatly appreciated. Excellent course. Thank you!"
"The videos are great! The reference materials were effective."
Course Curriculum
StartInstructor Contact Information
StartOrder Mushroom Supplies!
StartFORUM: Introduce Yourself
StartPre-Course Survey
PreviewWebinar Schedule and Participant Guide
PreviewKiva US - 0% Interest Loans up to $15,000
StartNavigating in Teachable; Getting a Course Completion Certificate; and More
Start2025 Webinar + Slides
StartCase Study: Will Padilla Brown (42:28)
StartARTICLE: The Mighty Oyster Mushroom, Paul Stamets
StartGuide on Specialty Mushroom Production
StartDecision Tree for Mushroom Growing
Start2024 Webinar + Slides Week 1
Start2023 Webinars: Specialty Mushrooms Overview / Wild Mushrooms and ID (143:06)
Start2025 Webinar + Slides
StartACTIVITY: Oyster Inoculation on Your Kitchen Counter
StartRESOURCES: Liquid Culture
StartResources on Single Use Plastics + Mushroom Growing
StartVIDEO: Sterile Block Webinar & Resources
Start2024 Webinar + Slides Week 2
Start2023 Webinar: Low Tech Cultivation Methods (75:43)